757. About the circle to the understanding, and thence, through the will into actions
There is an obvious circle starting with the senses - especially the hearing and sight, which present objects that arouse inner sensation - to the understanding, and from the understanding into the will, then from the will into action, either of the mouth, i.e. speech, or of the face, or of the bodily members. This is the natural circle. But because [human] nature has been corrupted, so that objects can only pass from the senses to the understanding, but not into the will, because this is being controlled from a different source, therefore there must be a process of regeneration whereby the true order, or circle, is restored. Then, finally, the will holds full sway, and from it, the understanding, both striving together for the fruits of charity. Then all evil that is slipped in by evil spirits is turned into good in the understanding. For the Lord, through the will, that is, through love, and mercy, which is His alone, is guiding the person whom He has regenerated and gifted with these abilities. 1748, 12 February.