Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 757

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757. CONCERNING THE CIRCLE TO THE UNDERSTANDING AND THENCE THROUGH THE WILL INTO ACTIONS There is a manifest circle from the senses, especially from the hearing and sight which present objects that arouse internal sensation; thus it proceeds to the understanding, and from the understanding into the will, and from the will into act, either of the mouth or speech, or of the face, or of the members of the body, such is the natural circle. But because [this order of] nature has been destroyed, so that objects can only pass from the senses into the understanding, but not into the will - for this is governed from another fount - therefore there must be regeneration by which the true order, or the circle, is restored. Then at length the will, and hence the understanding, may hold all things, and each conspires to [produce] the fruits of charity. Thus every evil that is insinuated by evil spirits is turned into good in the understanding; for the Lord by the will, that is by love and mercy which are His alone, directs the man whom He has regenerated and endowed with those faculties. 1748, Feb. 12.

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