160. 'For I have not found thy works full before God' signifies that the interiors of their worship have not been conjoined with the Lord. That by 'works' the interiors and exteriors are understood, and that by 'I know thy works' [is signified] that the Lord sees all the interiors and exteriors of man at once, may he seen above (n. 76). These works are called 'full before God' when they have been conjoined with the Lord. It should be known that dead worship or worship only external does effect the Lord's presence, but not conjunction. But external worship in which the interiors are living effects both presence and conjunction; for the conjunction of the Lord is with the things with a man that are from the Lord, which are the truths resulting from good, and unless these are in the worship, the works are not full before God, but are empty. 'Empty' in the Word is said of the man in whom there are purely and simply untruths and evils (as Matt. xii 44, and elsewhere). 'Full' is therefore said of the man in whom there are truths and goods.