243. 'And the third animal having a face as a man' signifies the Divine Truth of the Word as to wisdom. By 'a man' in the Word is signified wisdom, because he is born to receive wisdom from the Lord and become an angel. Consequently in so far as anyone is wise, so far he is a man. Truly human wisdom is to discern that God exists, what God is, and what relates to God. The Divine Truth of the Word teaches this. That wisdom is signified by 'a man' is plain from these places:-
I will render a man (vir homo) scarcer than pure gold, and a man (homo) than the gold of Ophir Isa. xiii 12.
'A man' (vir homo) is intelligence, and 'a man' (homo) is wisdom.
The inhabitants of the land shall be burned, and the remnant shall be a scarce man Isa. xxiv 6.
I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast Jer. xxxi 27.
You My flock, you are man, I am your God Ezek. xxxiv 31.
The devastated cities shall be full with the flock of man Ezek. xxxvi 38.
I beheld the land, when lo it was vacant and empty, and towards the heavens and they had no light; I beheld, when In there was no man Jer. iv 23, 25.
They are sacrificing a man, they are kissing calves Hos. xiii 2.
He measured the wall of the holy Jerusalem 144 cubits, the measure of a man, that is, of an angel Rev. xxi 17.
Besides in many other places, in which by 'a man' is signified one who is wise, and in the abstract sense wisdom.