Apocalypse Revealed (Coulsons) n. 281

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281. 'Because Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God in Thy blood' signifies liberation from hell, and salvation by means of conjunction with Himself. There is no need to disclose by means of the spiritual sense what is signified by each of the things separately, as what by 'to have been slain', 'to redeem us to God', and what by 'His blood' for they are arcana that do not appear in the sense of the letter. Suffice it [to say] that it is redemption that is described in this manner; and since redemption is liberation from hell, and salvation by means of conjunction with the Lord, these are the things that are signified. Here it shall be confirmed out of the Word, only that Jehovah Himself came into the world, was born Man, and became the Redeemer and Saviour of all who by a life of charity and the faith thereof are conjoined with His Divine Human, and that Jehovah is the Lord from eternity, consequently that the Lord's Divine Human, with which the conjunction will be, is the Divine Human of Jehovah Himself. [2] Here therefore the passages will be adduced that confirm that Jehovah and the Lord are one; and, since they are one and not two, that the Lord from eternity Who is Jehovah Himself became the Redeemer and Saviour by the assumption of the Human. This is plain from these statements:-

Thou, O Jehovah, art our Father, our Redeemer from an age is Thy Name Isa. lxiii 16.

Thus says the king of Israel, and His Redeemer Jehovah Zebaoth, I am the First and the Last, and besides Me there is no God Isa. xliv 6.

Thus says Jehovah thy Redeemer and thy Former, I am Jehovah, making all things, and Only by Myself Isa. xliv 24.

Thus says Jehovah thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, I am Jehovah thy God Isa. xlviii 17.

O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer Ps. xix 14 [H.B. 15].

Their Redeemer is strong, Jehovah Zebaoth is His Name Jer. i 34.

Jehovah Zebaoth is His Name, and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel, the God of the whole land shall He be called Isa. liv 5.

That all flesh may know that I Jehovah am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the Strong One of Jacob Isa. xlix 26, lx 16.

As for our Redeemer, Jehovah Zebaoth is His Name Isa. xlvii 4.

With everlasting mercy will I have mercy, thus says thy Redeemer Jehovah Isa. liv 8.

Says Jehovah your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel Isa. xliii 14.

Says Jehovah the Holy One of Israel your Redeemer Isa. xlix 7.

Thou hast redeemed me, O Jehovah of truth Ps. xxxi 5 [H.B. 6].

Let Israel hope in Jehovah, for with Him there is plenteous redemption, He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities Ps. cxxx 7, 8.

Arise, O Lord, for our help, and redeem us for Thy mercy's sake Ps. xliv 26 [H.B. 27].

Says Jehovah God, I will redeem them out of the hand of hell, I will redeem them out of death Hos. xiii 4, 14.

O Jehovah, hear my voice, He shall redeem my soul Ps. lv 17, 18 [H.B. 18. 19].

Also, Ps. xlix 15 [H.B. 16], lxix 18 [H.B. 19], lxxi 23, ciii 1, 4, cvii 2; Jer. xv 20, 21. [3] That the Lord as to His Human is the Redeemer is not denied in the Church, because it is according to Scripture, and also this:-

Who is coming out of Edom, marching along in the multitude of His strength? The year of His redeemers is come. This One redeemed them Isa. lxiii 1, 4, 9.

Say to the daughter of Zion, Behold thy Salvation comes, behold His reward is with Him, and they shall call them the people of holiness, the redeemed of Jehovah Isa. lxii 11, 12.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited and made a redemption for His people Luke i 68;

besides elsewhere. Still more passages, confirming that the Lord from eternity Who is Jehovah Himself came into the world and took to Himself a Human for the purpose of redeeming men, may be seen in THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE LORD (n. 37-46). Jehovah is also said to be the 'Saviour' in many passages, which there is not time to quote by reason of their abundance.

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