Apocalypse Revealed (Coulsons) n. 294

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294. To these things I will add this MEMORABLE OCCURRENCE.

In the natural world a man has a two-fold way of speaking, because he has a two-fold thought, exterior and interior. For a man is able to speak out of the interior thought and at the very same time out of the exterior thought, and he is able to speak out of the exterior thought and not out of the interior, in fact, contrary to the interior thought. ibis is the origin of pretences, flattering assents, and hypocrisies. In the spiritual world, however, a man does not have a two-fold but a straightforward way of speaking, for he speaks as he is thinking, otherwise the sound is harsh and offends the ears. Nevertheless he can be silent, and so not divulge the thoughts of his mind; and therefore the hypocrite, when he comes among the wise, either goes away, or hastens to a corner in the room and makes himself inconspicuous and sits silent.

[2] Once there were many people assembled in the world of spirits, and they were discussing this subject, saying that being unable to speak except as one is thinking is hard on those in the company of the good when they have not thought rightly of God and the Lord. In the midst of the assembly were the Reformed, and many of the clergy, and near them the followers of the Pontiff (Pontificii) with some monks. Both of these groups at first said that it was not hard. 'What need is there to speak otherwise than as one is thinking, and if perchance one should not be thinking aright, can he not close the lips and keep silence?' And one of the clergy said, 'Who does not think rightly of God and the Lord?' But some of those assembled said, 'All the same let us put it to the test.' And those who had confirmed themselves concerning a GOD in a Trinity of Persons, especially as a result of the words in the Athanasian doctrine, 'There is One Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit: and as the Father is God, so also the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God', were told to say 'One God' But they were not able. They twisted and folded their lips into many curves and could not articulate a sound into any other words than were consonant with the ideas of their thought, which were ideas of three Persons and consequently of three Gods. [3] Then it was said to those who had confirmed a faith separated from charity that they should pronounce the name 'JESUS', but they could not; yet they could all say 'Christ', and also 'God the Father'. They marvelled at this, and sought out the cause, and found it to be that they had prayed to God the Father for the sake of the Son, and had not prayed to the Saviour Himself; for 'Jesus' signifies Saviour. [4] Again it was said to them that out of thought concerning the Lord's Human they should say 'DIVINE HUMAN'; but none of the clergy who were present could do so though some of the laity were able, and so the subject was submitted to a serious discussion; and then,

I. These statements in the Evangelists were read in their presence:

The Father has given all things into the hand of the Son John iii 35.

The Father has given the Son authority over all flesh John xvii 2.

All things are delivered unto Me by the Father Matt. xi 27.

All authority is given unto Me in heaven and on earth Matt. xxviii 18

and it was said to them, 'Keep therefrom in the thought [the idea] that Christ both as to His Divine and His Human is the God of heaven and earth, and so pronounce 'DIVINE HUMAN'. But still they could not do so, and they said that they had indeed kept from the statements some [idea] of thought out of the understanding concerning it, but yet there was not anything of acknowledgment, and that therefore they were unable.

[5] II. Afterwards, out of Luke (chap. 32, 34, 35) there was read to them that the Lord as to the Human was the Son of Jehovah God, and that everywhere in the Word He as to the Human is said to he 'Son of God' and also 'Only-begotten and they were asked to hold this in the thought, and also that the Only-begotten Son of God born in the world cannot but be God, as the Father is God, and to utter DIVINE HUMAN'. But they said, 'We cannot, because our spiritual thought, which is interior, does not admit other than similar ideas into the thought nearest to speech'; and [they said] that as a result they perceive that it is not permitted them now to divide their thoughts, as in the natural world.

[6] III. Then the words of the Lord to Philip were read to them:-

Philip said, Lord, show us the Father, and the Lord said, He that sees Me, sees the Father; believest thou not that I am in the Father and the Father in Me? John xiv 8-11

and also in another place that:-

The Father and Himself are One John x 30;

and elsewhere; and it was said to them that they should keep this in the thought and so say 'DIVINE HUMAN'; but as that thought was not rooted in the acknowledgment that the Lord was God even as to the Human, therefore they could not. They twisted the lips into folds till they were angry and wanted to compel their mouth to litter and force it out, but all to no purpose. This was because the ideas of a thought that flows out of acknowledgment make one with the words of the tongue in the case of those who are in the spiritual world, and where such ideas do not exist there are no words, for the ideas become words in the speaking.

[7] IV. Moreover, these [words] were read to them out of the Doctrine of the Church received throughout all the world:-

That the Divine and the Human in the lord are not two. but one, indeed one Person, united altogether like soul and body.

They are out of the Athanasian Creed. And it was said to them, 'Undoubtedly you are able therefrom to have an idea [derived] out of the acknowledgment that the Lord's Human is Divine because His Soul is Divine, for [such an idea] is from the doctrine of your Church, which you acknowledged in the world. Moreover the soul is the essence itself and the body is the form and the essence and the form make one, as being (esse) and existing (existere), and as the efficient cause of an effect and the effect itself'. They held on to that idea and wished as a result to pronounce 'DIVINE HUMAN', but were not able; for the interior idea concerning the Lord's Human drove out and expunged this new additional idea, as they called it.

[8] V. Further, there was read to them this [statement] out of John:-

The Word was with God, and the Word was God; and the Word was made flesh John ii, 14;

and this of Paul,

In Christ Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily Coloss. ii 9;

and it was said to them that they should think firmly that God, Who was the Word, was made flesh, and that all the Divine dwells in Him bodily. 'Perhaps in this manner you can pronounce DIVINE HUMAN'. But still they were not able, openly saying that they could not have the idea of a Divine Human, 'because God is God, and man is man, and God is a Spirit, and we have not thought of a spirit otherwise than as of wind or ether'.

[9] VI. At length it was said to them, You know that the Lord said,

Abide in Me, and I in you. He that abides in Me and I in him hears much fruit, for without Me you cannot do anything John xv 4,5;

and because some of the English clergy were present there was read to them out of an exhortation of theirs before the Holy Communion,

For when we spiritually eat the flesh of Christ, and drink the blood, then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us.*

'If now you think this cannot come about unless the Lord's Human is Divine, pronounce "DIVINE HUMAN" accordingly out of the acknowledgment in thought.' But still they were unable, so deeply impressed upon them was the idea that the Lord's Divine was one thing and His Human another, so that His Divine was like the Divine of the Father, and the Human like the human of another man. It was, however, said to them, 'How can you think so? Is it possible for a rational mind ever to think of God being three, and the Lord two?'

[10] VII. Afterwards they turned to the Lutherans, saying that the Augustan [Augsburg] Confession and Luther taught that the Son of God and the Son of Man in Christ are one Person, and that He even as to the Human Nature is the True, Omnipotent and Eternal God, and that as to that Nature also, being present at the right hand of God Almighty, He directs all things in the heavens and on earth, fills all things, is with us, and dwells and works in us; and that there is no difference of adoration, because by means of the Nature that is discerned the Divinity that is not discerned is adored, thus that in Christ God is Man and Man God. Having heard these things, they [the Lutherans] replied, 'Is it so?' And they looked around and presently said, 'We did not know these things before, and therefore we were not able.' But one and another said, 'We have read it, and written it, but when we thought about it in and from ourselves they were only words of which we had no interior idea.'

[11] VIII. At length, having turned to the followers of the Pontiff (ad Pontificos), they said, 'Perhaps you can name the DIVINE HUMAN, because you believe that in your Eucharist, in the bread and the wine and in every part thereof, is the whole Christ, and also you adore Him as God when you show the host and bear it about, also because you call Mary the mother (genetrix) of God, consequently you acknowledge that she brought forth God, that is, the Divine Human.' And these then wished to pronounce it out of those ideas of thoughts about the Lord, but were not able on account of a material idea about His body and blood, and on account of the assertion that the Human and not the Divine power has been transferred by Him to the Pope. And a monk then rose up and said that he could think 'Divine Human' of the most holy virgin Mary, mother of God, and also of the saint of his monastery. And another monk approached saying, 'I am able out of the idea of my thought to say "Divine Human" of His Holiness the Pope rather than of Christ.' But then other monks pulled him back and said, 'You should be ashamed of yourself.' [12] After these things heaven was seen opened, and tongues like little flames were seen coming down and inflowing with some; and these then celebrated the LORD'S DIVINE HUMAN, saying, 'Remove the idea of three Gods, and believe that in the Lord dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and that the Father and He are one as soul and body are one, and that God is not wind or ether, but that He is a Man, and then you will be conjoined to heaven, and through that you will from the Lord be able to name "JESUS", and to say "DIVINE HUMAN"'. * In the Original Edition these words are quoted in English.

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