440. [verse 11] 'And they had over them a king, the angel of the deep, whose Hebrew name is Abaddon, and in Greek he has the name Apollyon' signifies that they are in the satanic hell who are in untruths derived from lusts, and they have destroyed the Church by the total falsification of the Word. By 'a king, the angel of the deep' is not signified any angel king there, but the untruth reigning there; for by a 'king' in the genuine sense is signified one who is in truths derived from an affection of good, and abstractly that truth itself (n. 20), and consequently in the opposite sense by a 'king' is signified one who is in untruths derived from a lust of evil, and abstractly that untruth itself. By 'the deep' is signified the satanic hell where those are (n. 387, 421); by 'name' is signified the quality of the state (n. 81, 122, 165). 'Abaddon' in the Hebrew language is 'destroying' and 'destroyer', in like manner as 'Apollyon' in the Greek language, and this is the untruth in the outermost things that has destroyed the Church by the total falsification of the Word. By 'Abaddon' in the Hebrew text is signified destruction in these places:-
Thy truth (veritas) in destruction Ps. lxxxviii ii [H.B. 12].
Hell is naked before him, and destruction has no covering Job xxvi 6.
For the fire will devour to destruction Job xxxi 12.
Destruction and death say Job xxviii 22.
Moreover hell and the devil are called 'destruction' and 'destroyer' (Isa. liv 16; Ezek. v 16; ix 1; Exod. xii 13), but with another word.