571. 'And upon his heads the name of blasphemy' signifies the denial of the Lord's Divine Human, and the doctrine of the Church not derived from the Word but hatched out of self-intelligence. By 'seven heads' is signified the insanity resulting from sheer untruths, as above (n. 568); and this insanity is speaking blasphemy so long as it is denying the Lord's Divine in His Human, and so long as it is not selecting the doctrine of the Church out of the Word but is hatching it out of self-intelligence. In regard to the FIRST, that it is blasphemy to deny the Lord's Divine in His Human, this is because he who denies it is going against the faith received in the whole of Christendom, which is called Athanasian, where it is openly said that in Jesus Christ God and Man, that is, the Divine and the Human, are not two but one, and that they are one Person, united as soul and body. Those therefore who deny the Divine in His Human are not far from the Socinians and Arians. Certainly this is the case when they are thinking of the Lord's Only Human as the human of another man, and not at all then of His Divine from what is eternal. [2] As regards the SECOND, that it is blasphemy not to select the doctrine of the Church out of the Word but to hatch it out of self-intelligence, this is because the Church is derived from the Word and is qualified by the understanding it has of the Word, [as] may be seen [in] THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE (n. 76-79). Also, the doctrine that faith alone, that is, faith without the works of the law, justifies and saves is not derived from the Word but from a single saying of Paul (Rom. iii 28) misunderstood, [as] may be seen (n. 417); and every untruths of doctrine derives its origin from no other source than self-intelligence. For what is more universally taught in the Word than to flee from evils and do goods? and what is more evident there than that God is to be loved, and the neighbour also? And who does not see that no one can love the neighbour unless he is living in accordance with the works of the law? And he who does not love his neighbour does not love God, for in love of the neighbour the Lord conjoins Himself with a man and the man conjoins himself with the Lord, that is, the Lord and the man are together in that love. And what is loving the neighbour but not doing him evil in accordance with the precepts of the Decalogue (Rom. xiii 8-11)? And in so far as a man is not willing to do evil to the neighbour, so far he is willing to do him good. In consequence of these things it is plain that it is blasphemy to exclude the works of the law from salvation, as those do who make faith alone, which is a faith separated from the goods of charity, the sole means of salvation. By 'blasphemy' (Matt. xii 31, 32; Rev. xvii 3; Isa. xxxvii 6, 7, 23, 24) is understood to deny the Lord's Divine, as the Socinians do, and to deny the Word; for he who so denies the Lord's Divine cannot enter heaven, for the Lord's Divine is the all in all of heaven and he who denies the Word denies all things of religion.