660. 'And those having victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name' signifies those who have rejected faith alone and its doctrine, and thus have neither acknowledged and absorbed its untruths, nor falsified the Word. By 'the beast' is signified the faith of the dragon with the laity (treated of in chap. xiii 1-10), because there (verse 14) an image of it was made. By 'his image' is signified the doctrine (n. 602, 634, 637); by 'mark' is signified an acknowledgment of that faith (n. 605, 606, 634, 637, 679); by 'the number of his name is signified the falsification of the Word (n. 610). It is plain from these things that by those words are signified those who have rejected faith alone and its doctrine, and thus have neither acknowledged and absorbed its untruths, nor falsified the Word.