Apocalypse Revealed (Coulsons) n. 712

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712. [verse 19] 'And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell' signifies that by these things that Church as to doctrine has been entirely destroyed, and so too have all the heresies that have emanated from it. That by a 'city' is signified the doctrine of the Church or, what is the same, the Church as to doctrine, may be seen above (n. 194, 501, 502). Consequently by 'the cities of the nations' are signified the heretical doctrines or heresies that have emanated from it; and these are many. By 'being divided into three parts' is signified being entirely destroyed, for by 'to be divided' in the Word is signified to be dissipated, because in that case they do not cohere, and by 'three' is signified all and the whole (n. 400, 505). Consequently by 'to be divided into three parts' is signified to be entirely destroyed. By 'to fall', which is said of 'the cities of the nations', is also signified to be destroyed. It is said that the city was divided into three parts, and that the cities of the nations fell, because [it treats] just before of an earthquake in which such things come to pass. By 'the great city' is understood the great city treated of above (chap. xi, verse 8) which there 'is called Sodom and Egypt', concerning which n. 501-504 above may be seen. The reason that a 'city' signifies doctrine, and consequently 'cities' signify doctrinal tenets, is because by 'the land', especially by 'the land of Canaan', the Church is signified. And because a Church is a Church by virtue of doctrine and in accordance therewith, therefore doctrinal tenets are signified by 'cities'. They also used to teach in cities, because the synagogues were there, and in Jerusalem the temple also. This is why by 'Jerusalem' is signified the Church as to doctrine in a universal sense.

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