Apocalypse Revealed (Coulsons) n. 724

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724. 'Having seven heads and ten horns' signifies intelligence derived from the Word, in the beginning holy, afterwards none, and at last insanity, and continually much power derived from the Word. That 'the head' signifies intelligence and wisdom when [it is said] of the Lord and of the Word, and in the opposite sense insanity and foolishness, may be seen above (n. 538, 576); that the 'seven' do not signify seven but all of it, and are said of holy things (n. 10, 391); that 'a horn' signifies power (n. 270), and that 'ten horns' signify much power (n. 539). That by 'seven heads' is signified intelligence, in the beginning holy, afterwards none, and at last insanity, is plain from vers. 9, to of this chapter, where it is said by the angel what is signified by the seven heads, concerning which [see] below. From these considerations it is plain that by 'the beast having seven heads and ten horns' is signified intelligence derived from the Word, in the beginning holy, afterwards none, and at last insanity, and continually much power derived from the Word.

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