Apocalypse Revealed (Coulsons) n. 725

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725. [verse 4] 'And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet' signifies the celestial Divine Good and Divine Truth that are of the Word, with them. By 'purple' is signified celestial Divine Good, and by 'scarlet' is signified celestial Divine Truth, concerning which [something] follows. 'To be arrayed' with them signifies to be around them, thus with them. The reason why those things are derived from the Word with them is because by 'the scarlet beast' upon which the woman was sitting is signified the Word (n. 723). That the Divine Good and Truth of the Word is about them as clothing, thus with them, is known; for they adore the Word from without and not from within, they acknowledge it because it treats of the Lord, and of His authority over heaven and the Church, which they transfer to themselves. Also it treats of the keys given to Peter, whose successors they say they are; and because their majesty, dignity and authority is founded upon these two [statements] they of necessity acknowledge the holiness of the Word. But still the Word to them is only like the garment 'of purple and scarlet, and gold, precious stone, and pearls' upon the harlot holding' in her hand a golden cup full of the abominations and uncleanness of her whoredom'. [2] Since 'purple and scarlet' are mentioned, and then 'gold, precious stone and pearls', and by 'purple and scarlet 'is signified celestial Divine Good and Truth, and by 'gold and precious stone' spiritual Divine Good and Truth, each of them derived from the Word, therefore something shall be said concerning the celestial Divine and the spiritual Divine. There are two kingdoms into which the entire heaven of the Lord has been distinguished, the celestial kingdom and the spiritual kingdom. The celestial kingdom consists of angels who are in love from the Lord, and the spiritual kingdom of angels who are in wisdom from the Lord. In each one of the kingdoms there is good and truth, the good and truth with the angels of the celestial kingdom being signified by 'purple and scarlet', and the good and truth with the angels of the spiritual kingdom by 'gold and precious stone'. The angels have both the latter and the former goods and truths from the Lord by means of the Word. In the Word there are therefore two interior senses, the celestial and the spiritual. This then is the reason why 'the woman sitting upon the scarlet beast' was seen 'arrayed in purple and scarlet' as well as 'decked with gold, precious stone, and pearls'. [3] Something similar to what is meant by this woman is signified by:-

The rich man, who was clothed with purple and fine linen and was indulging splendidly every day in sumptuous living, at whose forecourt Lazarus was cast desiring to be filled with the morsels falling from his table Luke xvi 19-21.

By 'the rich man clothed with purple and fine linen' are understood the Jews, who had the Word; and by 'Lazarus' are understood the Gentiles, who did not have it. Similar things are signified in the following passages:-

Those who have eaten delicacies have been devastated in the streets; those who have been brought up upon scarlet have embraced the dunghill Lam. iv 5.

Therefore thou wasted one, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothest thyself with scarlet, though thou adornest thyself with an ornament of gold, in vain shalt thou make thyself beautiful Jer. iv 30.

Daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who covered you in scarlet with delicate things, and who put an ornament of gold upon [your] apparel 2 Sam. i 24.

Fine linen of needlework was thy spread [sail], hyacinthine and purple was thy covering Ezek. xxvii 7;

speaking of Tyre, by which are signified cognitions of truth and good out of the Word. [4] Since celestial good and truth are signified by purple and scarlet', therefore Aaron's garments, as also the veils and curtains of the tabernacle, were woven of hyacinthine, purple, scarlet and fine linen (Exod. xxv 4; [xxvi] 31, 36; xxvii 16; xxviii 6, 15. The curtains (Exod. xxvi 1). The veil before the ark (Exod. xxvi 31). The covering for the door of the tent (Exod. xxvi 36). The covering of the gate of the court (Exod. xxvii 16). The ephod (Exod. xxviii 6). The girdle (Exod. xxviii 8). The breastplate of judgment (Exod. xxviii 15). The fringe of the coat of the ephod (Exod. xxviii 33). The cloth of scarlet over the bread of faces (Num. iv 8). From these references it is plain what is signified by the 'purple and scarlet' with which the woman sitting upon the scarlet beast appeared arrayed. In like manner in the things following, where it is said:-

Alas, the great city that had been clothed with fine linen and purple and scarlet, decked with gold and precious stone and pearls; for in one hour so great riches have been laid waste Rev. xviii 16, 17.

Also that purple and scarlet, gold, precious stone and pearls were among the merchandise of Babylon (Rev. xviii 12).

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