600. Verse 14. And he seduceth them that dwell on the earth, on account of the signs which were given him to do before the beast, signifies that by their testifications and attestations they lead the men of the church into errors. "To seduce" signifies to lead into errors; by "them that dwell on the earth" are signified the men of the churches of the Reformed, as above (n. 578-588, 597); by "the signs" which it was given him to do before the beast, are signified testifications, and attestations (n. 598-599); by "the beast out of the sea," before which the signs were done, is signified the faith of the dragon among the laity (n. 567); and by "the beast coming up out of the earth," which did signs, and which in other places is called the false prophet, is signified the faith of the dragon among the clergy (n. 594). The like is said by the Lord in Matthew (24:24-26).