Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead) n. 715

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715. And men blasphemed God because of the plague of hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great signifies that because they had confirmed themselves in such falsities, they have denied truths to that degree as not to be able to acknowledge them, by reason of the repugnances arising from their interior falsities and evils. "To blaspheme" God signifies to deny and not to acknowledge the Lord alone to be the God of heaven and earth (n. 571, 582, 697) and in like manner the truth of the Word; "for the plague thereof was exceeding great," signifies by reason of those direful and atrocious falsities from the confirmed dogma of justification by faith alone (n. 714). The reason why they cannot acknowledge truths on account of those falsities, is, because the confirmation of falsity is the denial of truth. It appears as if it was meant that "the plague of hail" was so great, that from torment or pain they blasphemed God when it fell upon them; but this is not meant, but that they could not acknowledge truths on account of falsities; in like manner as before in this chapter, where it is said that they blasphemed the name of God "on account of the heat" (verse 9); and that "they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their distresses and sores" (verse 11); the explanation of which may be seen (n. 692, 697).

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