Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 372

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372. [365] THE MORAVIANS. I spoke with them of their brotherhood, whether it is of love or charity, they said no, but only of friendship, because they are of one opinion; they do not admit the expression love and charity in religion.

Argument Concerning the Judgment

(1) By the judgments which have preceded, preparation has been made for the universal judgment [n. 134]. Concerning the new heavens which they made for themselves [n. 134]. (2) Concerning the going forth of some before the Last Judgment, who were in faith separate [n. 135]. And that they were first visited and separated [n. 135]. (3) Who they were that made for themselves heavens [n. 136]. It was seen that they acted there as in Sodom [n. 136]. (4) There were seen rocks carried away like a cloud [n. 137]. (5) Those who were in faith alone betook themselves upon rocks [n. 138]. How they dwelt there [n. 138]. Earthquakes preceded [n. 138]. (6) The wicked spirits in the plain were cast out [n. 139]. And the good reserved by the Lord were taken up in their place, and this is to open the sepulchers [n. 139]. (7) The destructions which preceded the Last Judgment [n. 140]. How the Divine sphere enters into them and thence opens up their interiors [n. 140]. (8) The quality of those upon whom the Last Judgment was effected [n. 141]. (9) The arrangement of the Reformed before the judgment, also where and how they were arranged [n. 142]. (10, 11) How they were first led forth [n. 143]. (12) The casting down of those in faith alone [n. 145]. And then exploration [n. 145]. (13) Likewise others [n. 146]. (14) Likewise others [n. 147]. (15) Likewise others [n. 148]. (16) How they were then seen [n. 149]. (17) Their dispersion [n. 149, 150]. (18) The angels wondered at such faith [n. 151]. (18a) They have no conscience [n. 151]. (19) The purifying of the middle lasts a long time [n. 152]. (20) Some were seen at a table, clothed as with wedding garments, but within they were robbers [n. 153]. They were cast down [n. 153]. (21) They appeared as if sincere, yet they are wolves within [n. 153]. Their lot [n. 154]. (22) The exploration of the Reformed as to their quality, and their distinction into classes [n. 155]. (23) Their ideas of the Lord [n. 156]. (24) Of those who were in piety and external worship [n. 157]. Their lot [n. 157]. (25) Hypocrites, their lot [n. 158]. (26) Priests who read the Word only that they may preach it [n. 159]. Their lot [n. 159]. (27) They are separated according to the internals of life which are affections [n. 160]. (28) Dragons, how they are explored [n. 161]. Who those are who are in confirmation and in pride [n. 161-162]. What they are [n. 161-162]. (29) What is draconic [n. 161-162]. (30) Anyone can know what charity is, that it is not to steal, etc. [n. 164]. (31) The good who were left were allotted their habitations [n. 165]. (32) Those who have understood and known many things, and with whom there was no will of good [n. 166]. Their lot [n. 166]. (33) Those who have not acknowledged the Lord, and have no good of charity; their rebellion and conjunction with the papists and Mohammedans [n. 167]. (34) Something said of the combat of the dragon with Michael [n. 168]. The Lord seen in a cloud [n. 168]. A representation of a tail [n. 168]. (35) Those who are in faith alone and in the love of commanding look downward, their quality [n. 170]. Their quality [n. 170]. (36) How they are distinguished according to their idea of God [n. 170]. (37) Five classes [n. 171]. (38) They persecuted me by inspirations and at the same time respirations and pulse; experience thence [n. 173]. (39) The thought of those who are in faith alone described [n. 174]. Their quality was such although they had not thought wickedly [n. 174]. (40) Such were let out of the hells, they believing that they would then act well, but in vain, they were in anguish [n. 175]. (41) The arrangement into societies [n. 176]. The purification of societies [n. 176]. (42) The arrangement takes place according to the affections of the life [n. 177]. Not according to the affections of the understanding [n. 177]. The nature of their ways afterwards [n. 177]. (43) The most perfect arrangement is that of the Reformed [n. 178]. The reason is that they have the Word and they go to the Lord [n. 178]. (44) How they are taken up into heaven [n. 179]. The Word of the Lord, they who have faith as a seed of mustard [n. 178]. (45) The goats and their combats [n. 180]. (46) In like manner [n. 181]. (47) The dragon [n. 182]. (48) Why it treats of them in Revelation [n. 183]. (49-52) Draconic spirits [n. 184-190]. (53) The power of truth in the spiritual world [n. 191-193]. Experience [n. 193]. (54) Those who have little of life, how life is inspired into them [n. 193]. (55) The religion of those who are in faith alone, it is only knowledge [n. 194]. (56) They who combat against evils receive the law as if inscribed on themselves [n. 195]. (56a) Conducted into a mansion of heaven [n. 196]. What is the opinion in the third heaven concerning those in faith alone; it is only knowledge [n. 196]. According as they lived in the world so is their heaven [n. 196]. (57) The quality of those who are in faith alone, and its quality as it interiorly appears [n. 197]. (58) How the Epistle of James appears to them [n. 198]. (59) They are received who believe in charity, provided they have lived the life of charity [n. 199]. One was turned about but he turned back afterwards [n. 199]. (60) The arrangement of those who are in the faith of charity [n. 200].] (61) In their factitious heavens there was a wintry light [n. 201]. (62) The hells where they continually wrangle about their faith [n. 202]. Their quality [n. 202]. (63) By experience those who believed that they had faith, it was given them to know that they had no faith [n. 203]. (64) Their interiors were closed [n. 204]. They had a religion of the memory [n. 204]. They were sensual [n. 204]. (65) Faith alone of the church is not given, from experience [n. 205]. (66) Those who are in no affection of truth, and yet reason much about truths, experience [n. 206]. (67) Those who are in faith alone have no conscience [n. 207]. (68) Those who believe in charity and do not live the life of charity, are not much unlike [those in faith alone] [n. 208]. (69) How faith separate leads to evil of life [n. 209]. (70) I spoke with Melancthon about faith alone, how false it is [n. 210]. (71) Those who are in faith alone cannot be saved, what their quality is [n. 211]. (72) Because all the societies of heaven are arranged according to the differences of love [n. 212]. (73) An Englishman who wished to conjoin charity with faith, but it was not recognized [n. 213]. (74) I read before the English their prayer before the Eucharist, and my discourse with them [n. 214]. (75) English presbyters who made an idol of their faith [n. 215]. (76) Discourse with the English concerning faith alone [n. 215-217]. (77) The nature of their arguments for faith alone [n. 217]. (78) Those were explored who confessed faith in the last hour of death; their quality [n. 218]. (79) After the judgment many of those from faith alone were collected and rejected [n. 219]. (80) Afterwards many wished to receive charity, but in vain, the reason [n. 220]. The endeavor after justification [n. 220]. (81) Free will with them [n. 221]. (82) It is not allowed them to preach; the hearers go out [n. 222]. (83) The deserts where those are who are in faith alone [n. 224]. (84) They were explored whether they know anything true and it was found that they do not [n. 225]. (85) Conversation with angels concerning the progression of truth to good [n. 226]. (86) How the English write their discourses [n. 227]. (87) That faith saves no one, a few things [n. 228]. (88) It is like a dark chamber [n. 229]. (89, 90) Their miserable state who have regarded evils as allowable, and their internal [n. 230]. (91) All the states of love return after death, thus the states of faith if it enters the love [n. 230-232]. (92) At this day they crucify the Lord [n. 232]. (93) The ideas at this day concerning God, heaven, love, faith [n. 233]. (94) The first state of man after death [n. 234]. (95) Love produces the knowledge [cognitionem] of every good in the thought [n. 235]. (96) They who are in the love of self cannot be admitted into heaven [n. 236]. (97) They who are in the love of self can equally speak of the Divine, but yet after death they are against the Divine [n. 237]. (98) They are enemies of the Lord, experience [n. 238]. (99) Two opposite dominions of love [n. 239]. (100) Their interiors and quality [n. 240]. (101) Examples from those in the equestrian order [n. 241]. (102) Love corresponds to flame, faith to light [n. 242]. (103) The quality of those who worship the Lord from spiritual love [n. 243]. (104) Affection makes the man, from changes induced and correspondences [n. 244]. (105) The delight of the love of commanding exceeds every other delight [n. 245]. (106) The delight of the love of commanding, into what it is turned after death [n. 246]. (107) Everyone after death comes into his own love [n. 247]. (108) Fr. Gyll, his mode of praying [n. 248]. (109) The quality after death of him who is in the delight of commanding [n. 249]. (110) Dreadful example [of hatred] against the Lord with those who think nothing from religion in their life [n. 250].

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