372. [365.] Moravians
I spoke with them about their brotherhood, asking whether it was one of love or charity. They said it was not, but only one of friendship, because they are all of the same opinion. They do not allow any mention of love or charity in their religion.
[The manuscript contains an empty page here.]
[Found here in the manuscript is The Precepts of the Decalogue.]
Various observations regarding matters found in the spiritual world, from which some particulars have been taken in A Continuation Concerning the Spiritual World* * i.e., A Continuation Concerning the Last Judgment, and Concerning the Spiritual World (Amsterdam, 1763).
1. [133.] By judgments that preceded, preparation was made for the universal Judgment. The new heavens that they formed for themselves. 2. [134.] The destruction of some before the Last Judgment who were caught up in faith alone. That first they underwent a visitation and were separated. 3. [135.] What kind of people they are who have formed heavens for themselves. My seeing an event occur in one place like the one at Sodom. 4. [136.] A rock seen carried away like a passing cloud. 5. [137.] People caught up in faith alone settle themselves on rocks. How they live there. That earthquakes precede. 6. [138.] Malicious spirits on a level stretch of land cast down. And good spirits preserved by the Lord raised up from their place (this being what it means to open graves*). * Ezekiel 37:12, 13. Matthew 27:52. 7. [139.] The destructions which preceded the Last Judgment. How a Divine atmosphere entered into the people there, and their interior qualities disclosed because of it. 8. [140.] The character of the people on whom the Last Judgment was executed. 9. [141.] The arrangement of Protestants or the Reformed before the Judgment, and their location, and how the interiorly evil were arrayed. 10, 11. [142, 143.] How they were first removed. 12. [144.] The banishment of those caught up in faith alone. And their being explored then. 13. [145.] So, too, others. 14. [146.] So, too, others. 15. [147.] So, too, others. 16. [148.] How they then appeared. 17. [149.] Their dispersal. 18. [150.] Angels marveled at such a faith. 18 1/2. [151.] They have no conscience. 19. [152.] That the purging of the central area continued for a long time. 20. [153.] Some seen at a table, dressed as though in wedding garments, but who inwardly were bandits. Their being cast down. 21. [154.] Some who appeared to be honest, but were inwardly wolves. Their fate. 22. [155.] Protestants explored as to their character and distinguished into classes. 23. [156.] Their idea of the Lord. 24. [157.] Regarding those taken up with piety and external worship. Their fate. 25. [158.] Hypocrites-their fate. 26. [159.] Priests who read the Word only in order to preach. Their fate. 27. [160.] People are separated in accordance with the inward constituents of their life, which are affections. 28. [162.] Followers of the dragon-how they are explored. Being people caught up in love of self and conceit. [161.] Who they are. 29. [163.] Who they are who are followers of the dragon. 30. [164.] That everyone can know what charity is, that it is not to steal, etc. 31. [165.] Good people left to themselves were allotted their habitations. 32. [166.] People who understood and knew much, but did not have a will for good. Their fate. 33. [167.] People who did not acknowledge the Lord and the need for goods of charity-their rebellion and alliance with Papists and Muslims. Their fate. Some mention made of the dragon's battle with Michael. 34. [168.] The dragon's battle with Michael represented. The Lord seen in a cloud. The representative appearance of a tail. 35. [170.] People caught up in faith alone and motivated by a love of commanding look downward. What they are like. Their character. 36. [171.] That they are distinguished according to their ideas of God. Distinguished into five classes. [37.] [172.] 38. [173.] Their persecution of me by inspiring in me a similar respiration and pulse. What I experienced because of it. 39. [174.] The thinking of people caught up in faith alone described. What it is like even if they have not done evil. 40. [175.] Some of these people let out of their hells, believing that they would then behave well, but without success. Their experience. 41. [176.] Their arrangement into societies. The purification of the societies. 42. [177.] That the arrangements are determined in accordance with their life's affections. Not in accordance with the thoughts of the intellect. The nature of the paths they take afterward. 43. [178.] The most extensive disposition being that of Protestants. The reason being that they have the Word and know about the Lord. 44. [179.] The kind of people who were raised up into heaven. On the Lord's saying that whoever has faith as a mustard seed.* * Matthew 17:20; Luke 17:6. 45. [180.] Regarding goats and their battles. 46. [181.] Ditto. 47. [182.] The dragon. 48. [183.] Why the book of Revelation deals with these. 49-52. [184-188.] On followers of the dragon. 53. [189, 190.] The power of truth in the spiritual world. [190.] My experience. 54. [191.] Regarding people who have little life-how life is infused into them. 55. [192.] That the religion of people caught up in faith alone is merely knowledge. 56. [193.] That people who fight against evils receive the law as though it were engraved on them. 56 1/2. [194.]My having been taken into the dwelling places of heaven. What opinion they have in the third heaven of people caught up in faith alone. And how they lived in the world to be in that heaven. 57. [195.] The faith of people caught up in faith alone-its character. And what that faith looks like inwardly. 58. [196.] How the Epistle of James appears to them. 59. [197.] That those are accepted who have believed in charity, provided they have also lived a life of charity. That [to believe the intellect leads the will] is contrary to the case, but [in the case of people who have believed as they do, their state] is afterwards reversed. 60. [198.] The arrangement of people who possess a faith that is one of charity. 61. [199.] In the counterfeit heavens of people caught up in faith alone was a wintry light. 62. [200.] Regarding hells where the people continually argue about faith. What these hells are like. 63. [201.] People who believed they had faith given to know through personal experience that they had no faith. 64. [202.] The interior elements in them having been closed off. Religion in them a matter of memory. The people being sensual people. 65. [203.] That the church's faith alone is not possible, learned as the result of an experience. 66. [204.] On people who possess no affection for truth, and yet argue on and on about truths. My experience. 67. [205.] That people caught up in faith alone have no conscience. 68. [206.] That people who believe in charity and do not live a life of charity are not much different. 69. [207.] The extent to which faith alone leads to evils of life. 70. [208.] A conversation with Melanchthon regarding faith alone, as to how false it is. 71. [209.] That people caught up in faith alone cannot be saved. Who they are. 72. [210.] That all societies of heaven are organized in accordance with the differing qualities of their love. 73. [211.] An Englishman who wished to join to faith a charity arising from faith, but which was not discerned. 74. [212.] My reading in the presence of some Englishmen their prayer before the Eucharist, and a conversation with them. 75. [213.] English priests who made an effigy of their faith. 76. [214.] A conversation with some Englishmen regarding faith alone. 77. [215.] Their arguments in defense of faith alone-the nature of these. 78. [216.] Those examined who affirmed their faith when in the final hour of dying. Their character. 79. [217.] After the Judgment many of those persuaded of faith alone were gathered together and banished. 80. [218.] Many of them afterward wished to receive charity, but without success. The reason. Regarding the effort following justification. 81. [219.] Regarding free will with them. 82. [220.] That they are not permitted to preach. Their listeners leave. 83. [221.] The desert areas inhabited by people caught up in faith alone. 84. [222.] Their being examined to see whether they know any truth, and its being found that they do not. 85. [223.] A conversation with angels about the progression of truth to good. 86. [224.] The English-how they write their sermons. 87. [225.] That that faith saves no one-brief mention. 88. [226.] That it is like a dark room. 89, 90. [227.] The wretched state of people who have held evils allowable, and their hell. 91. [228.] All states of love return after death, thus also states of faith if it is fixed in a person's love. 92. [229.] That people today continue to crucify the Lord. 93. [230.] The present idea of God, heaven, love, faith. 94. [231.] The first state of a person after death. 95. [232.] That love engenders conceptions of truth and good in a person's thinking. 96. [233.] People caught up in a love of self cannot be admitted into heaven. 97. [234.] People caught up in a love of self may speak just as well as others on Divine subjects, but yet after death they are opposed to things Divine. 98. [235.] That they are the Lord's foes. An experience. 99. [236.] The two opposite kinds of love's exercise of command. 100. [237.] The interior elements in such people-what they are like. 101. [238.] Exemplified by people possessing knightly rank. 102. [239.] That love corresponds to flame, faith to light. 103. [240.] The kind of people who worship the Lord out of a spiritual love, and what their affection for truth is like and their faith. 104. [241.] That affection shapes a person, shown by induced corresponding transformations of countenances. 105. [242.] The delight of a love of commanding exceeds every other delight. 106. [243.] What the delight of a love of commanding turns into after death. 107. [244.] That everyone after death comes into his love. 108. [245.] Frederic Gyllenborg-his manner of praying. 109. [246.] People caught up in the delight of a love of commanding-what they are like after death. 110. [247.] A horrifying illustration of the rage against the Lord in people who in their life do not think in accord with religion.