Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 85

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85. [85] When I was conducted by the Lord through all the places, that I might know the quality of those there from their various nations, I came also to two mountains, upon which were Mohammedans. On one were those who lived well morally; they said that they have good, because they obey their governors. On the other were those who were very perceptive of spiritual things. They stated at first that no others can come to them but they who are of a like genius; and that Christians cannot; and that if they come, they appear to them as if they were being swallowed up by wolves; and that those who still come, they send to prison, and treat badly, and afterwards dismiss: these are monks who are able to introduce themselves by their arts, but are detected. I spoke with them respecting many wives; and they heard the reasons why it is according to the Christian doctrine, that only one wife is to be received. They perceived the justice in the reasons, but answered that they cannot as yet recede from matrimony with many, because it was conceded to them by their religion in the world, for the reason that they are orientals, who, without many wives, would have burned forth into adulteries, and so would have perished.

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