Divine Love and Wisdom (Harleys) n. 144

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144. Since the love of domineering is from self-love it is absolutely opposed to love to the Lord. Therefore, the spirits who are in that love of domineering turn the face backward from the Lord, and thus with their eyes look towards the west of the spiritual world. And because they are thus as to the body in an opposite turning, the east is behind them, the north on their right and the south on their left. The east is behind them because they hold the Lord in hatred; the north is on their right because they love fallacies and the consequent falsities; and the south is on their left because they scorn the light of wisdom. They are able to turn round and round but all the things which they see about them appear similar to their love. All these are sensual-natural, and some are of such a nature as to have the opinion that they alone live, and they regard others as phantoms. They believe themselves to be wise above all others, although they are insane.

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