Divine Love and Wisdom (Harleys) n. 162

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162. From these considerations can be seen the idiocy of those who ascribe all things to nature. Those who have confirmed themselves as pro-nature have induced upon themselves the state that they no longer wish to raise their mind above nature. Wherefore their mind is closed above and opened below, and so the man becomes natural-sensual which spiritually is dead. And because he then thinks only from such things as he has drawn from bodily senses, or through those senses from the world, at heart he even denies God. Then because conjunction with heaven has been broken, there comes about a conjunction with hell, there remaining only the capacity of thinking and willing. The capacity of thinking from rationality and the capacity of willing from freedom which two faculties every man has from the Lord, are not taken away. Devils equally with angels have these two faculties, but devils apply them to becoming insane and to evil-doing, while angels apply them to becoming wise and doing good.

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