Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4665

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4665. CONCERNING THE SPEECH OF SPIRITS, AND OF ANGEL OF AN INTERIOR DEGREE. I talked with spirits concerning the speech of angels; and it was perceived, and said, that the speech of men passes over into speech of spirits, which is incomprehensible to man, although [men] possess it in themselves; for they think thus [i. e. as spirits speak], when [they think] abstractedly from natural ideas and words. And the speech of interior angels is similarly circumstanced in respect to spirits. To these it is incomprehensible, although they have it in themselves; and when [they think] abstractedly from the ideas according to which they speak, they think in this manner [i. e. as angels speak]. The spiritual speech of the angels of the third heaven, is, likewise, to these, namely, to the angels of the second heaven, incomprehensible, although they have it in themselves, and they think by means thereof when [they think] abstractedly from their owe ideas. So with the celestial angels: inmost speech is just as incomprehensible to them; so that they are completely ignorant how it is circumstanced. It takes place by means of inmost affections, and is most copious; so that things, of which scarce a hundredth part can be uttered by spiritual angels, can be expressed, by it, in a moment. Lastly, it is infinite, on which account it is incomprehensible: all their wisdom and intelligence is thence.

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