Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4693

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4693. CONCERNING SPIRITS, WHEN THEY ENTER INTO MAN'S CORPOREALS. Spirits do not know whereabouts men are. They seek, but are unable to find out. It was thus provided that they may not know; for, then, they would destroy the human race. They would enter into them and cause them to be possessed, as in times past. When, by chance, they happen upon them while they are asleep, then there seems to be, as it were, a sound of shouting outside them; and it appears as if some one falls down close to his [the sleeper's] bed, and, as it were, goes on under the bed, and there remains. Man then supposes that it is something or other, either an illusion or a vision; but this is from that source. This happened to me, several times, while I was asleep; and then I awaked, and was instructed that it was from thence.

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