4724. WHY MIRACLES TOOK PLACE IN THE TIME OF THE APOSTLES, IN ORDER THAT THE CHURCH MIGHT BE ESTABLISHED. I spoke with angels concerning the miracles of the time of the apostles, also that they spoke with other tongues, and that they manifestly perceived the influx of the spirit. [I said] that this was the case, for the reason that it was entirely unknown everywhere that the Lord who saved souls [anima] had come into the world; and that it would never be received by anyone without miracles, and neither would it be so received by any such as worship idols, or men after death; in which case idolatry would have been the worship. For these reasons, miracles took place; but, now, when doctrine is received, they no longer occur. The inrooting of truth and good among the gentiles, is by external evidences; but, with Christians, who are in the knowledge of internal things, the case is otherwise.