4734. [4736] CONCERNING THE LEARNED OF THIS AGE. It was several times permitted that the learned might be present, when I wrote those things which concern the internal sense of the Word; and then, at once, obscurity occurred, and also a difficulty of understanding anything, save that from them there was a sphere that nothing at all could be understood; for their spheres have this property in the. But, when there were present such as were not learned, but yet were strong in the power of comprehension, and lived in good, and were placed in authority, then, immediately, there was light, and every single thing was understood. It was therefore granted to tell those learned ones, who then wished to lead me to write, that they infuse only darkness, and take away all the understanding of a thing; and, in every single thing belonging to them, there was an imperious [purpose] of thinking so and so and no otherwise; for they do not suffer themselves to be led. They suppose they surpass others, and yet they are the most senseless. But it was granted to tell them that their ideas utterly conflict with the ideas which are insinuated into me from heaven, and that no plane corresponds to those ideas, in their natural mind; but that there is such [a plane] as confirms nothing, but rather destroys it; and, therefore, at their approach, the ideas conflict, and hence is that obscurity, and, by virtue of the opposition, [the ideas are] as if they were intelligible to no one. It was then shown, that when those were present, who were not learned, there was light, and they perceived all and every one [of those ideas]; and it was granted to say, that, in the world, these things [from heaven] cannot be received by the learned, but by those who are not learned It was granted to say, also, that this is circumstanced like as with the shepherds who made known the birth of the Lord - that they were able to receive and believe, and, from the good of faith, to make it known, but not the Rabbis, with whom, if an angel inflowed [with that announcement] he would be immediately rejected and destroyed; and that thus it was, in the world, with the internal sense of the Word. If; however, the learned were in good, then would they be in that disposition that they would wish to know truth, and, so, would suffer themselves to be led and to pay attention, but not to command, and then [those truths] could have been received [by them.] But they who have not been in good are dictatorial, and never receive; for they love a life of evil, and confirm tar own doctrinals; nor do they do this for the end that they may become good, but for the end that they may become great and rich.