4739. [4744] THAT ALL LIFE IS FROM THE LORD. INFLUX. ((This may be known by those who are only strong in judgment, and reflect: for they say, and they wish it to be believed, that all good is from the Lord, and that the whole of the endeavor to do good is not from man, but from the Lord, and that, in man, there is evil: for they wish that this should be believed. They could also conclude that all of life, at least, of the good of life, thus, thinking good and willing good, inflows; consequently, the whole conscience of good [man's thinking and willing is his life]; and, hence, that all of life inflows. And, moreover, they ascribe the evil they do to the devil, and say, when any one has committed some crime, that he allowed himself to be led by the devil; and they advise that one should not suffer himself to be led by the devil, thus, not to think evil or to will evil and hence they could conclude that all evil, also, and hence falsity, inflows. But people believe otherwise than they teach: at the least., they must think, that, if that which causes thought and will, and hence act, did not inflow, this doctrine [about good and evil flowing in] must be vain and fallacious.))