Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4755

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4755. [4776] CONCERNING COMMUNICATION BY MEANS OF THOUGHTS. Among spirits there is communication of all thoughts. Magical art consists mainly in this, that, by means of thoughts, they [magical spirits] communicate to others their abominations and filthinesses, and that they induce a persuasion of piety, honesty, innocence, and such things, and scatter it round about, in various ways, and thus lead simple spirits to suppose that [the spirit who so acts] is pious, honest, innocent, or the like; and thus he awakens their compassion. Wherefore, since they are simple, and neither see him, nor know where he is, they easily allow themselves to be deceived. That vile spirit [Jacob Benzelius] had a most masterly acquaintance with such things, and fortified himself in crimes and abominations, by them, in numerous way's; and, thus perpetrated his abominations. In such and many other similar things, consists magic, there.

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