4757. [4778] CONCERNING THOSE WHO ARE IN A STRONG PERSUASION. Certain ones who come from the Christian world into the other life, are in a strong persuasion, that, namely, whatever they say and think is true, even what is opposed to faith and heaven. When first they enter the other life, they appear with a linen band wrapped about the head, which is a sign that persuasive spirits, with whom they had previously been in company, have been taken away from the. A certain one whom I was acquainted with [Polhem], was of this character, from confidence in his own knowledge and imagination. [4779] But the sorcerers, when they became aware of this, caused something of communication, by means of magical art, so that the linen bandage was, to some extent, removed. This was done by means of a staff, or magic wand, prepared by art; but there then appeared a naked man, whose back I saw. It was a certain heaven which appeared thus. I noticed the influx from thence; and he [this naked man] not only found out all the sorcerers, but cast them forth from their place, and thrust them into other places, and this as easily as though they had been flies; besides many other things. [4780] The persuasion that nothing is hidden from him [Polhem], but that he knows all things, and hence is the wisest of all men, has in itself the characteristic that he rushes into the most filthy deeds and persuades himself that they are lawful: thus [he rushes] into heinous things. And when [spirits] are of such a character, they then so close the intellectual, by persuasions, that it cannot be opened. [4781] Such ones are in a very deep hell, under the feet, which is so closed, that not a breath can exhale from thence; for those there are in most filthy and abominable [states]. [4782] A certain one, having the appearance of a man, in a snow-white garment and square cap, descended thither, and so opened it. They [those there] appeared like swine, and like trunks without life. The man in the snow-white garment was an appearance of heaven looking thither. [4783] They who are in such a persuasion that they believe themselves wiser than all others, and despise others in comparison with themselves - when they, in the other life, look at other spirits, the spirits appear like torn garments, without a body: for such persuasion has in itself the peculiarity, that they view others in this manner: for garments are truths; therefore, such things as are of knowledge and intelligence.