4763. [4791] HOW THE INFERNALS ARE SENT INTO HELL. This was seen with Jacob Benzelius's spirits, who are infernal. They remain quite a long time in the world of spirits; and there they practice their villainies, for the sake of tempting spirits, and this until the measures of their evil are filled. And, meanwhile, they endure many severe punishments; but yet they are such, that they are not completely restrained. At length, when the measures are filled, they then endure more severe, and, at last, the severest punishments, and this in quite a long succession, on their way to hell, with many repetitions. And, finally, they are cast into hell, so that they may there chastise and punish each other. They then come out thence no more; and they become of such a nature that they at once see punishments if they venture from that place. Wherefore, they who are in hell do not venture thence, and are more submissive to those [punishments] whenever [afterwards] they have been in the world of spirits; and, in that state, they also become more prudent; and, when they are so, they see those in the world of spirits. [4792] Evils cannot be subdued, and so [subdued] that [those in them] do not long to commit the evils, any otherwise than by punishments, because they are left to the delights of their nature, and external bonds are removed from them; and, when they act according to the nature which they have acquired to themselves, they have, then, almost no judgment, but they act from that nature, which cannot be subdued in any other manner [than by punishments]. For they do not receive exhortations and such things - their nature acts contrary to the. Their nature often holds out for many years, before it suffers itself to be subdued.