4764. [4793] CONCERNING THE GENII OF THE THOUGHTS. There was a certain one in a situation over the occiput a little to the rear, who, in the life of the body, had fashioned himself, in voice, accent and speech, in imitation of my father; in which also he was so dexterously skilled, that he called him forth very frequently. He [this spirit] was concealed in obscurity, so that they could not tell from whence [he came]. At length, after a tide, he was discovered; and he was then forced to confess his villainies, which were of such a nature that not any spirit had previously done such things. He had lurked there, and noticed, on every side, where were spirits of such an inclination and such a nature, so that he might know all those round about, whom, also, he was able to stir up, and dexterously to infuse into them whatever he thought and willed He confessed how he had done it, and where they [those spirits] were. Hence he became such that whatever occurred [to my mind] he could have changed, and also would have changed, unless the Lord had guided me aright by interior spirits. He could have turned and perverted, not only the affections, but also the thoughts, and the affections of the thoughts; for he learned where they were, and had been in this meditation almost continuously, when in obscurity in that place. He supposed that he could thus rule all things, and make himself God. Several hells also at the back part inflowed; one of which [where are such as claimed that they can effect all things by means of arts, and thus, by the control of order in the other life] was exposed. He was severely punished; but still he persists: wherefore, grievous punishment threatens him, before he shall be thrust down into the hell where such ones are. Such may be styled genii as regards thoughts and their affections.