4765. [4794] CONCERNING ADULTERIES. KING FREDERICK. HELL. He was transferred under the buttocks, or intestinal rectum; and thence he spoke, and said that there are only privies there. They who were there spoke with him, and led him into the privies, which were numerous and variously constructed; whereby was signified that he was given over to mere voluptuousness. Such, those who are there have been. He was afterwards led to another place, a little to the left from that one; and, when he was there, he said that a most disgusting stink exhaled from the holes there, and that he could not move a step, because he fell into the holes. This signified that those who are there have been defiled with such grievous adultery. He constantly wanted new [mistresses], and was disgusted with those he had once touched. [4795] From the dens there likewise exhaled the stench of corpses, for the reason that he had been deceitful also.