Divine Providence (Dick and Pulsford) n. 52

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52. II. THE INFINITE AND ETERNAL IN ITSELF CANNOT BUT REGARD WHAT IS INFINITE [AND ETERNAL] FROM ITSELF IN FINITE THINGS. By the Infinite and Eternal in itself is meant the Divine itself as has just been shown in the preceding article; by finite things are meant all things created by the Divine, especially men, spirits and angels; and to regard what is infinite and eternal from Himself is to regard the Divine, that is, Himself in these, as a man regards an image of himself in a mirror. That this is so has been shown in many places in the treatise THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM, especially where it is demonstrated that in the created universe there is an image of man, and that this is an image of what is infinite and eternal (n. 317, 318), thus an image of God the Creator, that is, of the Lord from eternity. It should be known, however, that the Divine in itself is in the Lord, but that the Divine from itself is the Divine from the Lord in created things.

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