White Horse (Willmott) n. 17

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17. FURTHER PARTICULARS ABOUT THE WORD. In the Hebrew tongue WORD means various things, such as the spoken word, thought of the mind, every thing that really comes into existence, and also something, (n. 9987). The Word signifies Divine Truth and the Lord, (n. 2533, 4692, 5075, 9987). Words denote truths, (n. 4692, 5075). They signify doctrinal things, (n. 1288). The Ten Words mean all Divine Truths, (n. 10688). In the Word, and especially in the prophetical parts, there are two expressions for one and the same thing. One relates to good and the other to truth, which are thus conjoined, (n. 683, 707, 2516, 8339). It cannot be known, except from the internal sense of the Word, which expression has relation to good and which to truth. For there are special words used to express what relates to good, and others to express what relates to truth, (n. 793, 801). This is so consistently the case, that merely from the words used, it may be known whether they treat of good or of truth, (n. 2722). Again, at another time, one expression involves something general, and the other some particular derived from that general principle, (n. 2212). There is a kind of reciprocation in the Word, (concerning which, see n. 2240). Most things in the Word have also an opposite sense, (n. 4816). The internal sense is in keeping with its own subject after the manner of a predicate, [n. 4502]. They who have taken delight in the Word, in the other life receive the warmth of heaven, in which is heavenly love, according to the quality and degree of their delight from love, (n. 1773).

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