White Horse (Willmott) n. 9

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9. IN THE WORD THERE IS A SPIRITUAL SENSE, WHICH IS CALLED THE INTERNAL SENSE. No one can know what the spiritual or internal sense of the Word is, unless he knows what correspondence is, (n. 2895, 4322). Each and all things that exist in the natural world, even to the smallest single thing, correspond to spiritual things, and thence signify them, (n. 2890-2893, 2987-3003, 3213-3227), [1886-1889]. Spiritual things, to which natural things correspond, appear in what is natural under another form, so that they are not distinguished, (n. 1887, 2395, 8920). Scarcely anyone knows wherein what is Divine resides in the Word, when nevertheless it is in its internal and spiritual sense, which at this day is not known to exist, (n. 2899, 4989). The mystical element of the Word is no other than that which its internal or spiritual sense contains, and in which the Lord is treated of, the glorification of His Human, His kingdom and the Church, and not natural things which are of the world, (n. 4923). In very many places the prophetic parts would not be understood, and thus would be of no use, without an internal sense, shown by examples, (n. 2608, 8020, 8398). As, for example, what is meant by the White Horse in Revelation, (n. 2760 and following nos.): what by the keys of the kingdom of the heavens given to Peter, (see Preface to Gen. xxii, and n. 9410): what by flesh, blood, bread and wine in the Holy Supper, (n. 8682): what by Jacob's prophecies concerning his sons, (Gen. xlix, n. 6306, 6333-6465): what by many prophecies concerning Judah and Israel, which do not tally with that nation, and do not agree with one another in the sense of the letter, (n. 6333, 6361, 6415, 6438, 6444), in addition to very many other instances, (n. 2608). Further concerning correspondence may be seen in the work on HEAVEN AND HELL, (n. 87-102, 103-115, and 303-310). Concerning the internal or spiritual sense of the Word in general, (n. 1767-1777, 1869-1879). In each and all things of the Word there is an internal sense, (n. 1143, 1984, 2135, 2333, 2395, 2495, 2619). These things do not appear in the sense of the letter, but nevertheless they are contained within it, (n. 4442).

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