253. (17) A second reason for legitimate separation is an impairment of the body. By impairments of the body we do not mean incidental illnesses which befall one or the other partner during their marriage and pass away. What we mean are persistent conditions which do not pass away. Pathology tells us what these are. Being of many types and kinds, some, for example, are diseases by which the whole body is so thoroughly infected as to raise the possibility of death by contagion. Conditions of this sort include: Malignant and pestilential fevers. Leprosies. Venereal diseases. Gangrenous infections. Cancerous sores. And other comparable conditions. Other afflictions are conditions by which the whole body becomes so thoroughly burdened as to make close companionship impossible, or which are accompanied by unhealthy exhalations and noxious vapors, either from the body's surface or from its inner parts, particularly from the stomach and lungs. Conditions involving the surface of the body include: Malignant lesions. Warts. Pustules. Scurvy-like discoloration and swelling of the skin. Virulent scabies. (Especially if the face is disfigured by these afflictions.) [2] Exhalations emanating from the stomach: Offensive, foul-smelling, rank and crude eructations. Emanating from the lungs: Foul and rancid expirations, issuing from tubercles, ulcerations and abscesses, or from the presence of corrupted blood or corrupted lymphatic fluid collected there. In addition to these are also other conditions having various names. For example: Chronic faintness, marked by complete physical languor and loss of strength. Paralysis, which involves a loosening or slackening of the membranes and ligaments required for movement. Certain other chronic disorders arising from loss of flexibility or elasticity in the sinews, or from excessive thickness, viscosity or causticity of the body's fluids. Epilepsy. Permanent disability due to strokes or apoplexies. Certain consumptive disorders which destroy the body. Intestinal obstruction and suffering (ileus). Chronic stomach disorder and diarrhea. Hernial protrusion. And other, comparable conditions.