334. Since truly conjugial love joins the souls and hearts of two together, it is coupled therefore also with friendship and through this with trust, and causes them both to be of a conjugial nature. Such friendship and trust so rise above other types of friendship and trust that, as that love is the greatest of loves, so that friendship is the greatest of friendships, and likewise that trust. The same is true also of its potency, and this for a number of reasons, some of which are disclosed in the second narrative account at the end of the present chapter. The continued endurance of truly conjugial love results from its potency. As for two married partners becoming one flesh through truly conjugial love, this we showed in its own chapter,* from no. 156[r] to no. 183. * Viz., "The Conjunction of Souls and Minds by Marriage, Meant by the Lord's Saying that They are No Longer Two But One Flesh."