458. As for the statement that this love is the repository of Christian religion, that is because that religion is coupled with and lodges together with this love. For we have shown that no others come into this love and no others can be in it but those who go to the Lord and love the truths of the church and do the good things it teaches (nos. 70-72); that this love comes from the Lord alone, and consequently is found with people who are of the Christian religion (nos. 131, 336, 337); and that this love depends on the state of the church in a person, because it depends on the state of his wisdom (no. 130). The truth of all this was established in the whole chapter on the correspondence of this love with the marriage of the Lord and the church (nos. 116-131); and in the chapter on the origin of this love from the marriage between good and truth (nos. 83-102).