Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 10097

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10097. And it shall be an uplifting from among the sons of Israel of their peace sacrifices, this is an uplifting to Jehovah. That this signifies reception in the heavens and in the church, and acknowledgment that it is of the Lord alone, is evident also from what was shown above (n. 10093). It is said "from the peace sacrifices," because by these is signified worship which is from freedom; for the peace or eucharistic sacrifices were voluntary sacrifices, and those things which are voluntary are from man's freedom. That is called free which is done from love, thus which is from the will, for that which a man loves, he wills. The Lord flows in with man into his love, thus into his will, and causes that what a man receives he receives in freedom; and that which is received in freedom, also becomes free, and is loved by him, consequently it becomes of his life. Hence it is plain what is meant by worship from freedom, which is signified by the peace or voluntary sacrifices; thus also what is meant by the "uplifting" from them, namely, that which is of the Lord alone. (That the sacrifices signify all worship in general, see n. 6905, 8936, 10042; and that the freedom of man is that which is of his love, n. 2870-2893, 3158, 4031, 7439, 9096, 9585-9591.)

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