Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 10098

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10098. And the garments of holiness which are for Aaron. That this signifies the Divine spiritual which proceeds immediately from the Divine celestial, is evident from the signification of "the garments of Aaron," as being a representative of the spiritual kingdom of the Lord adjoined to His celestial kingdom (see n. 9814); thus also the Divine spiritual, for the spiritual kingdom of the Lord comes forth from His Divine there, which is called the Divine spiritual. Nor is the universal heaven anything else than the Divine of the Lord; for the angels who are there know, acknowledge, believe, and perceive, that all the good of faith and the good of love which make heaven, are from the Lord, and nothing from themselves. These garments are called "garments of holiness," because they represented holy Divine things which are from the Lord. (That the Lord alone is holy, and that every holy thing is from Him, and that all sanctification represented Him, see n. 9229, 9680, 9818, 9820, 9956, 9988; and that from this, heaven is called the "sanctuary," n. 9479.)

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