1952. Verses 13, 14. And she called the name of Jehovah who was speaking unto her, Thou God seest me; for she said, Have I also here seen after Him that seeth me? Therefore she called the fountain, The fountain of the Living One who seeth me; behold it is between Kadesh and Bared. "And she called the name of Jehovah who was speaking unto her," signifies the state of the Lord's interior man when it thought about these things. "Thou God seest Me," signifies influx; "for she said, Have I also here seen after Him that seeth me?" signifies influx into the life of the exterior man without the rational as a medium; "therefore she called the fountain," signifies the derivative state of truth; "the fountain of the Living One who seeth me," signifies truth thus clearly seen; "behold it is between Kadesh and Bared," signifies its quality.