Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 5316

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5316. See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt. That this signifies dominion over both naturals, is evident from the signification of "setting anyone over" as being dominion; and from the signification of "all the land of Egypt," as being both naturals (of which above, n. 5276). This treats still further of the dominion that Pharaoh gave Joseph over the land of Egypt, namely, that Pharaoh deprived himself of his own authority, and put all Egypt under Joseph. These things were so done of the Divine Providence, in order that Joseph might put on the representation of the celestial of the spiritual the Lord had when He was in the world, and by means of which He disposed His natural and also His sensuous, in order that progressively He might make them both Divine. This was done to Joseph to the end that the Word that was to be written about him might contain Divine things, thus such things as in the heavens are most holy and are suited to the angels who are in the heavens; for the angels there are in the Lord, because they are in the sphere of the Divine truth proceeding from Him; and therefore the Divine things in the Word's internal sense relative to the Lord and to the glorification of His Human so greatly affect them that they perceive thence all the blessedness of their wisdom and intelligence.

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