Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 7118

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7118. For they are idle. That this signifies that they are not assaulted enough, is evident from the signification of "being idle," as being not to be sufficiently infested by falsities, thus not to be assaulted enough. How the case herein is can also be known from those who are being infested by falsities in the other life. They who infest, as far as possible hinder the upright whom they infest from thinking about the Lord; as soon as any thought of the Lord openly occurs, they at once take it away, which they know how to do in a skillful manner. But as with those who are being infested, thought about the Lord is nevertheless universal, thus too interior to be in plain view (for it flows in through heaven), therefore as soon as they cease to be infested, they come into thought about the Lord, for that which flows in from heaven and reigns universally, reveals itself in every free state. From all this it is evident what is the internal sense of the words "for they are idle, therefore they cry, saying Let us go and sacrifice to our God."

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