Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 7119

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7119. Therefore they cry, saying, Let us go and sacrifice unto our God. That this signifies that consequently they have so much thought about such worship, is evident from the signification of "crying," as here being thought; for by "saying" and "speaking" is signified thought (see n. 2271, 2287, 7094), and therefore also by "crying," but by "crying" is signified strong thought and with full intention of doing, hence it is said "so much thought;" and from the signification of "sacrificing to their God," as being the worship of the Lord (n. 6905, 7101). But because Pharaoh said that he did not know Jehovah (n. 7095, 7097), and because the Egyptians were averse to sacrifices (n. 1343), and because Moses said that they would go a way of three days into the wilderness (n. 6904, 7100), therefore it is said, "such worship."

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