Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 8470

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8470. Take ye everyone for him who is in his tent. That this signifies communication with them, and from this the general good, is evident from the signification of a "tent," as being a society as to good; "tent" here signifies the like as "house," for when they sojourned they were in tents. That every man should take for him who was there, signifies communication with them, thus also from this the general good. As these words involve those things which come forth in the societies in heaven (as was said just above, see n. 8469), it shall be told further how the case is with those societies, in order that it may thereby be known what is meant by communication with those in the society, and with the general good arising therefrom, which is signified by "everyone taking for him who was in his tent." Everyone in a society in heaven communicates his good to all who are in the society, and all therein communicate with each one, whence arises the good of all in general, that is, the general good. This good is communicated to the general good of other societies, whence arises a good still more general, and finally one most general. Such is the communication in heaven, and hence it is that they are a one, just as are the organs, members, and viscera in man, which, although various and dissimilar, nevertheless by such communications form a one. Such a communication of goods is possible only through love, which is spiritual conjunction. The universal thing that forms and brings into order all things in general and in particular is the Divine good of Divine love from the Lord.

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