Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 9653

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9653. And for the two legs of the Habitation toward the sea. That this signifies conjunction with heaven where good is in obscurity, is evident from the signification of "two," as being conjunction (see n. 9645); from the signification of "the legs," as being the bounds where good verges to obscurity (n. 7859); from the signification of "the Habitation," as being heaven (n. 9594); and from the signification of "the west" or "the sea," as being a state of good in obscurity (see n. 3708, 8615). That this state is signified by "the west," is because by "the sun" is signified the Lord as to the good of love (n. 3636, 3643, 4060, 4321, 7078, 7083, 7171, 8644, 8812). Hence by "the rising of the sun" is signified the good of love from the Lord in clear perception, and by its "setting," good from Him in obscure perception. And because man and angel have clear perception when raised toward interior things, that is, into the light of heaven, and obscure perception when in exterior things (n. 9648), thus when in the light of the world, therefore the west is also called "the sea;" for "the sea" signifies memory-knowledge in general (n. 28, 2850), and memory-knowledge is in the external or natural man, where good is in obscurity. All memory-knowledge, being of the natural man, is in the light of the world.

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