Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 6700

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6700. As regards the worship of God which the inhabitants of other worlds offer Him, all there who are not idolaters acknowledge the Lord as the one and only God. None but a very few, it is true, know that the Lord assumed the Human on our planet and made that Human Divine. Yet they adore God not as a Deity who is altogether unknowable but as One who can be known through a human form. For when the Divine shows Himself to them He does so within that form, as He also did in former times to Abraham and to others on our planet. And since they adore the Divine under a human form they adore the Lord. They also know that no one can be joined to the Divine in faith and love unless He is present in a form that people can have some conception of. If He did not present Himself in such a form their conception of Him would be lost, like sight looking at outer space. When they have been told by spirits from our planet that the Lord assumed the Human on our planet, they have pondered on it a little and soon said that this happened for the sake of the salvation of the human race. They have also said that the Divine whom they adore and offer the holiest worship to shines in heaven as the Sun and, when He appears, presents Himself in visible Human form. Regarding the Lord's appearance in the next life as the Sun and the fact that all the light of heaven is derived from Him, see 1053, 1521, 1529-1531, 3636, 3643, 4060, 4321 (end), 5097. But more on these matters in particular is to be mentioned in later sections.

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