Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 7747

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7747. After this the Martian spirits flowed from above onto my face. The flow felt like thin streaks of rain, which was a sign that they did not have an affection for truth and good; for this is what something streaked represents. They now spoke to me plainly, saying that the inhabitants of their planet talk to one another in a similar manner [unintelligible to others]. I then told them that this was bad, because by acting in that way they block off inner thoughts and feelings and forsake them for outward ones, and then deprive those outward ones of their life too; and especially because there is no honesty in speaking in that kind of way. For those who are honest are unwilling to say or even think anything unless they are willing to let others know it, indeed all others, even the whole of heaven. But those who are not willing to allow others to know what they say pass judgement on others, they have a poor opinion of others and a good one of themselves, and at length, because they behave in that way habitually, they go so far as to think and speak ill even of the Church, heaven, and yes the Lord Himself.

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