Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 23

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23. [22.] The Dutch appear dressed in vests and breeches just as in the world, and they are distinguished from others by the fact that their human element draws more of its character from the world than the human element of others, for the spiritual element in them does not shine through as clearly as in others. This characteristic takes its origin from their love for conducting business in the world and their consequent continual thought and deliberation concerning it. Even when they come into the world of spirits they consider in mind the same concerns and look about in every direction to discover where the commerce is and what it is like (for there are commercial transactions in the spiritual world equally as in the natural world, even though the difference is such that it can hardly be described). Moreover, what surprised me, whenever they meet businessmen who wish to investigate their thoughts and intentions secretly by inspecting them (as happens in the spiritual world), the Dutch instantly become invisible, a phenomenon arising from the fact that they were unwilling in the world to disclose their business to others.

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