Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 245

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245. [248.] 108. There was a certain man-Fr. G.*-who in his childhood devoted himself to piety and consequently remained in an acknowledgment of God even to the end of his life. However, owing to favorable treatment by fortune, he nevertheless grew into a love of commanding, and so into evils of every kind, which indeed he did not commit, but which he excused and regarded as allowable. In the other life he prayed to God as in the world, and with such fervor that scarcely anyone could have done so more ardently, but he prayed to God the Father, believing that when he had done this all his offenses were forgiven. On the other hand, he began to burn with such hatred against the Lord that he denied Him, and he afterward persecuted those who venerated the Lord. Finally, then, he denied God and became a virtual fool, and was sent among those who possess little life. * Frederic Gyllenborg, 1698-1759, a Swedish Count, known to Swedenborg in the world and mentioned at the beginning of his journal for 1733 as among his friends; at an early age a page at the court of the Queen Dowager, Hedvig Eleonora; chamberlain to King Frederic in 1722 and a member of his court until 1733, when he was appointed Chief Justice of Gothland; a member of the Swedish Diet from 1731; President of the College of Mines 1750-1759.

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