Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 354

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354. [348.] To the Extent a Person Refrains from Evils as Sins, to That Extent He Does Good Not from Himself, but from the Lord

[349.] To the Extent a Person Refrains from Evils, to That Extent His Works Become Charity

[347.] No one can do good of himself, but the Lord in a person does the good, and no one comes to the Lord except one who removes evils from himself by combats against them. Therefore to the extent anyone thus removes them, to that extent he does good from the Lord. This good also appears in like manner as though it were done by the person, but yet he thinks always of the Lord, and angels have the perception that it is from the Lord.

[The manuscript contains an empty page here.]

[Found here in the manuscript is The Word of the Lord, no. 24.]

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