Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 89

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89. [89.] I was taken to Muslims in the eastern zone, and it was granted me to speak with them. They said that some Christians of the Roman Catholic religion come to them, and that they notice these do so only for the sake of material gain and dominion, and furthermore that they wish to possess all the goods of the world and also to exercise dominion over all the people there. I had a conversation with them about God. They said that they could not comprehend how Christians can have a perception of one God when they name three and call these persons, even though there is but one God, and yet they have heard from Christians that they also say one God. Because this is a contradiction, they asked me what I knew concerning God. I said that in the Christian heaven they do not have the same belief or speak of it in same way, but believe and say that there is a Trinity in one Person, a Trinity which is called Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This Trinity exists in the Lord, they say, in whom the inmost element-which is the very being of life-is called the Father, in whom the second element-which is the expression of life from that being-is the Son, and in whom the third element is what emanates and is called the Holy Spirit. Moreover they say that such a union was brought into being by God the Father through His advent in the world, and that Christians can also be enlightened in regard to it since the Lord openly teaches that the Father is in Him,* that His Father and He are one,** and that the Holy Spirit does not speak of itself but from Him.*** But those of the Roman Catholic religion do not accept this, they say, for they maintain that they are the Lord on earth; neither do Protestants accept it who are caught up in a religion of faith alone. This the Muslims comprehended. They said that they were thinking about it, desirous of enlightenment, an enlightenment which was afterward granted them, since it is a subject which cannot be comprehended without instruction from the Word. * John 10:37, 38, 14:7-11, 17:20, 21 ** John 10:30, 17:11 *** John 14:26, 16:13-15

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