Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 1427

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1427. Nor are they willing to instruct me concerning the things they know, for they want to change them into something else. I therefore inquired whether or not they instructed the inhabitants of their earth. I received the answer, likewise by the interior sense, that they are unwilling to instruct, but nevertheless that they explore them, which is done, as I imagine, in order that thereby their eagerness to know may be nourished and increased; for if they were to answer all questions that eagerness would perish. Therefore these spirits are kept in the state of being unwilling to inform their inhabitants, although they explore them in various ways. There is the further reason that they may not know truths in all cases, for if they knew the truths, then they would not have the opposites, thus thought also would perish, for it is varied, acts and lives from opposites.

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